divendres, 16 de maig del 2014

Fotograma d'Ombres dels nostres avantpassats obidats, Sergei Paradjanov

-Sing Ivanko, as you can. I shall sing for you so that you won't understand.
-Tell me, tell me, girl, where have I lost my mind? 
 Or maybe you've hidden it in a birch-tree or in a poplar?
-When we fell in love even dry oaks began to blossom. 
 And when we parted, the lilacs withered.
-Oh, my sweet Marichka, my talkative bird. 
 If only we had been destined to love each other for one summer.
-Remember me Ivanko, at least twice a day. 
 I remember you seven times an hour. 
 And the apple tree's shed its flowers. 
 We had fallen in love as early as children.
-Oh I went to the meadow and saw a bird there. 
 What are you doing now, my dark-haired Marichka? 
 Oh Marichka, I can't forget you!  
 Oh, we'll never be together!

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